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True Blue Vue In-Home Holistic Massage

In commitment to providing a unique and outstanding massage experience to all clients, and out of consideration for the time of the massage practitioner(s), True Blue Vue has adopted the following policies.



Massage is a form of bodywork in which the practitioner applies manual techniques, and may apply adjunctive therapies, with the intention of positively affecting the health and well-being of the client.


Massage practitioners do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions nor are they allowed to provide treatment for a specific condition without a doctor’s supervision.


The massage practitioner is required to refer clients for diagnosis and to follow recommendations of a physician.


True Blue Vue does not offer R.M.T. (Canada) or L.M.T. (US) massage, therefore treatments are not eligible for insurance plan reimbursement.




Prior to each onsite massage session, the treatment plan will be discussed with the client.  At, or prior to, the first massage appointment, the client will complete and sign the Client Intake Form covering health history, client goals and preferences, and True Blue Vue policies and procedures.  This form must be completed prior to receiving treatment.




It is the responsibility of the client to keep the onsite massage practitioner informed of any medical treatment currently being taken, and to provide written permission from the physician, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc., that massage may be continued.

The client must also keep the massage practitioner informed of any changes in health conditions.




The discussion between the massage practitioner and the client is confidential.

Massage practitioners are happy to listen to client conversation and share professional expertise, however discussion topics of a political, private or sexual nature will be politely avoided.




Clients will provide at least 24 hours of notice to reschedule or cancel an appointment. This allows time to refill the time slot.  




For late arrivals where the practitioner has been notified ahead in advance of the appointment start time, the treatment will be shortened accordingly in order to keep on schedule.


If the practitioner has not been not notified in advance by the client regarding anticipated arrival time, the practitioner will wait no longer than 15 minutes at the site before departing. 


The client will be charged the full fee for the appointment in either of the above cases.




Clients who fail to show up for massage appointments will be responsible for the full fee associated with the scheduled treatment.




The massage practitioner is happy to adjust pressure, musical selection/volume, and time spent on a body part where requested by the client.


Hypoallergenic, unscented lubricants are available at the request of the client.

The client may choose to refuse any massage methods and/or stop a massage at any time.




Requests for sexual activity will not be tolerated and the client will be asked to leave immediately.  Sexual interaction or discussion of any kind between the client and the massage therapist is never appropriate. The client will not be rescheduled if this occurs.

© 2023 by TrueBlueVue 


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